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Routes > Arte e Storia > Storia > Paleolitico
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The environment surrounding the installation area was characterised locally by a thin wood, formed prevalently by broad-leaved wishing warm temperate climatic conditions and also a quite high humidity tenor coming partly from the seasonal rainfall and partly from the availability of lacustral-marsh humid areas. Different kinds of hornbeams, birches, chestnuts, oaks, beeches were definitely the commonest trees, as well as some evergreens like the holm-oak and other shrubs highlighting the environment temperature aspect.
The presence of alders, willows pollens and floating weeds like Alisma, Potamogeton and Cyparaceae testimonies the presence of humid environments. To complete the floristic summary, the grassland is constituted of Graminaceae, Cichorioideae, Helianthenum, Leguminoseae and other ones.

The animals of IserniaEven though most of the osseous finds belong to big mammals like bison, rhinoceros and elephant, on the whole they are an useful source of information especially for three principal reasons:
1- The frequency of identified species people and faunistic association allows to trace in a quite precise way the old natural environment. In fact we can affirm that the high frequency of the big herbivores was encouraged by the presence of an open vegetation, rich of pastures allowing the herd of bisons and many pachyderms. Such environment was formed in two-season climate: one was long and arid, the other one was short with the concentration of the annual precipitations. In the humider areas, the vegetation thickened giving shelter to wild boars and deers, while in the aridest and steepest ones, wild goats lived. The natural habitat of the hippopotamus was the humid area. The environmental data are also confirmed by the Microvertebrata found in the site.
2- The large number of people allows to study deeply the morphological characteristics of the species, offering general information for the knowledge about the animal population in a very ancient stage of the Quaternary;
3- They represent an endless source of study to comprehend the exploitation of the animal carcasses by mankind. In particular the intentional fracture techniques for the recovery of the medulla with alimentary aim and taking meat off processes documented by the presence of particular stripes because of running of the sharp edge of a flint-stone splinter on the osseous surface to cut and reduce the meat masses, have been reconstructed also with the aid of testing.
The bones on the archeosurfaces of Isernia La Pineta inform us about some activities carried out by men. They took to the excavations area only some parts of the hunted animals, the most profitable ones in terms of meat supplying. This involves, for examples, the anomalies referring to the frequency of particular osseous segments, especially the big herbivores ones.

The future of the researchesThe excavations area has been equipped with a series of logistical structures that allow to develop the research activity continuously during the year. The building of the excavations Pavilion, equipped with the most modern outfits and the one that houses the European Centre for Prehistoric Research able to offer work assistance and continuity to scholars, graduates, Italian and strangers students, have a particular significance.
Furthermore, the fulfilment of the Archaeological Park and the Paleolithic Museum will guarantee also to the large public the possibility to approach to themes about our biological and cultural evolution not only thanks to the excavation results of the layer of Isernia La Pineta, but also through the knowledge of our long history, also presented with the aid of reconstructions and interactions moments about specific subjects.
During the next years, they are going to continue the exploration of inhabited places with activities of systematic and longlasting exploration.

Essential bibliography:AA.VV. (1983): Isernia La Pineta: un accampamento più antico di 700.000 anni, Catalogo della mostra omonima, Calderini Editore, Bologna.
Arsuaga J.L., Bermudez de Castro J.M., Carbonell E. (1998): The archeo-palaeontological sites of the Sierra de Atapuerca (Spain), Atti XIII Congresso UISPP, vol. , pp.
 COLTORTI M., CREMASCHI M., DELITALA M.C., ESU D., FORNASERI M., McPHERRON A., NICOLETTI M., van OTTERLOO R., PERETTO C., SALA B., SCHMIDT V., SEVINK J. (1982): Reversed magnetic polarity at Isernia La Pineta, a new lower paleolithic site in Central Italy. Nature, 300, 5888, pp. 173-176.
Crovetto C., Ferrari M., Longo L., Peretto C., Vianello F. (1994): The carinated denticulates from the Paleolithic site of Isernia La Pineta (Molise, Central Italy): tools or flaking waste? The results of the 1993 lithic experiments. Human Evolution, vol. 9, pp. 175-207.
Galiberti A. (1984): Bibbona; in I primi abitanti d’Europa, catalogo della mostra, Ed, De Luca, pp. 121-123.
 PERETTO C. (1994, ed.): Le industrie litiche del giacimento paleolitico di Isernia La Pineta, la tipologia, le tracce di utilizzazione, la sperimentazione. Istituto Regionale per gli Studi Storici del Molise “V. Cuoco”, C. Iannone Editore, Isernia.
 PERETTO C: (1996, ed.): I reperti paleontologici del giacimento paleolitico di Isernia La Pineta: L’uomo e l’ambiente. Cosmo Iannone Editore, Isernia, pp. 625.

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