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Routes > Ambiente e Natura > Riserve Naturali e Oasi > Foresta Demaniale Regionale MONTE CAPRARO
Foresta Demaniale Regionale MONTE CAPRARO

The area of the State Regional Forest “Monte Capraro” covers 194.66.90 ha.

The pure beechwood is situated at high altitude, while the pure plantation of Turkey oaks is at middle-low altitude. In the transaction stripe, besides beeches and Turkey oaks there are also exemplars of maples, hornbeams and other species. The rural maples and hornbeams often constitute the brushwood, almost encroaching it. In the past, reforestation and thickening with black pine, silver fir, Norway spruce, Greek and Douglas firs were realised in some empty spaces. The silver fir gave the best results.

It includes jays, ring-doves, woodcocks, blackbirds; nocturnal raptors (owlets, owls) and diurnal ones (buzzards, kites). There are also squirrels, dormice, foxes, hares, wild boars. In the forest, traces of wolves and bears can be frequently found.

THE ANCIENT “FONTE DON SALVATORE”In the middle-low part of the forest, along one of the pedestrian paths, you can find the “Fonte Don Salvatore”, an ancient, artistic, almost monumental fountain of the end of eighteenth century. Above the water-way out opening, there is the bas-relief sculpture of the baronial coat of arms of D’Alena, who purchased the forest. Also the trough is made of stone slabs mounted with particular joints.

The “Masseria Vicenne” is a semi-crumbling structure, a trace of old activity in the fields and forests. It is situated in the low part of the forest, where there are still wide grasslands not covered by wood, and it will be partially recovered and intended to didactic area for environmental education.

Activities directed to prevent the danger of fires are constantly carried out, by creating and servicing the “firebreak strips”, by eliminating the exceeding biomass and servicing the road network. The creation of a water supplying point for helicopters and tankers in case of fire is quite imminent.

WOOD CARE AND IMPROVEMENTThe Management ex ASFD of the State Forester consists also in the wood protection, that is reconstruction of areas scoured and damaged by fire and natural disasters, realisation of sylvicultural interventions aimed to ensure preservation and improvement of forest cover and maintenance of biodiversity and natural habitats. The whole forest is part of the largest Site of Community importance (SCI) including also the RNO-MAB reserve of UNESCO of Montedimezzo and the corresponding State forest “Pennataro”, with the same management.

GUIDED TOURSTo book guided tours and educational camping in the State Regional Forest “Monte Capraro”, address to the Administration Office for the State Forests of Isernia, situated in via Bellini 8/10, tel. 0865 3935, fax 0865 413491.

LOCATIONThe State Regional Forest “Monte Capraro” is situated in the countryside of the Commune of S. Pietro Avellana (IS) and crossed by the provincial road Montesangrina, which starts from S. Pietro Avellana and leads to Capracotta.

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